Marketing automation

Marketing automation is the use of software and technology to automate and streamline marketing tasks and processes. The goal of marketing automation is to help businesses more efficiently and effectively engage with their audience and customers. This can include tasks such as email marketing, social media management, lead generation and scoring, and customer segmentation.

Email marketing automation is one of the most common use of marketing automation where businesses can automatically send targeted and personalized emails to customers based on certain actions or behaviours, like signing up for a newsletter, abandoning a shopping cart, or reaching a certain score on a lead scoring system.

Here are five reasons why businesses should embrace marketing automation:

  1. Increased efficiency and productivity
  2. Improved targeting and personalization
  3. Better data and analytics
  4. Greater scalability
  5. Cost Effectiveness

Marketing automation can help businesses improve their ROI, increase customer engagement and conversions, and ultimately grow their revenue. It's a tool that can help to streamline and optimize the whole customer journey, from lead generation to sales and customer retention. This makes it essential for modern businesses to have in place if they want to remain competitive and have a strong online presence. Mautic offers a marketing automation solution.


Mautic is an open-source marketing automation platform. It provides a wide range of tools to help businesses automate and streamline their marketing efforts, including email marketing, lead management, landing pages, and marketing analytics. Mautic's goal is to help businesses automate repetitive tasks and target their marketing efforts more effectively, allowing them to focus on other areas of their business.

Mautic is ideal for small to medium businesses and marketers who are looking for a cost-effective and flexible alternative to proprietary marketing automation platforms.

Some features of Mautic include:

  •     Email marketing, SMS messaging, and social media marketing
  •     Lead generation and lead nurturing
  •     Campaign management
  •     Marketing automation workflows
  •     Landing pages and forms
  •     Advanced segmentation and personalization
  •     Detailed analytics and reporting

Why use Mautic instead of MailChimp?

Businesses might chose to use Mautic instead of the popular MailChimp for the following reasons:

  1. Customisation: Mautic offers more flexibility and customization options for marketing campaigns, such as the ability to create custom landing pages, forms, and emails.
  2. Personalisation: Mautic allows for more advanced personalisation of marketing campaigns based on user data and behaviour.
  3. Automation: Mautic has a more robust automation feature set, allowing users to set up complex workflows, drip-campaigns, and trigger actions based on specific conditions.
  4. Pricing: Mautic is an open-source platform, so it is 'free to use'. MailChimp charges based on the number of subscribers and features used, which can become expensive for larger lists.
  5. Data ownership: Mautic allows users to own and control their own data, while MailChimp has been criticized for selling user data to third parties.

Although Mautic is 'free to use', businesses do need to budget for hosting and maintaining a Mautic installation. If you think an advanced marketing automation solution like Mautic would benefit your business, then do get in contact with us at Ezyweb to discuss.

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